
Winter Storm Woes- Stay Motivated During The Depths of Winter

Today is a serious snow day. As a kid, these are the days you dream of- no school, tons of TV time and maybe even a romp around outside to build a snowman. As an adult, snow days become more and more a thing of the past, because, well, life goes on even when it’s…

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The Shakedown: Whey vs. Plant-Based Protein Powders

Supplementing your workout with protein and carbohydrates gives your muscles a chance to begin their reparation and building processes. The suggested 20-30g of post-workout protein is most easily consumed and digested in the form of a protein shake. You’re faced with about a zillion different options when choosing a protein powder, so we’re here to…

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Travel/At Home WODs

Recently, we’ve put a lot of focus on staying motivated with your fitness goals both inside and outside of the gym. Summertime can be an easy time to pursue those goals because the weather is perfect, your work schedule might be a bit more relaxed, and let’s face it- you’re wearing less clothing! With fall…

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