
October 4, 2018

Crush Your Goals: 5 Ways To Be More Consistent With Your Fitness

Consistency is King

Finding a way to become more consistent with our fitness routine can be a serious ride on the struggle bus sometimes. From lack of motivation, to “not having enough time”, there is always going to be an excuse and a reason why you can’t. But we know, the more consistent you are with your fitness, the more GAINS & PROGRESS you’ll see!

A lot of people believe that a little more motivation is all they need to reach their fitness goals. While motivation is absolutely a factor in crushing it in the kitchen and the gym, we have all come across some time in our lives where motivation is just plain MIA.

Instead of relying solely on motivation, we have to find a way to incorporate fitness and wellness-inspired lifestyle choices into our daily habits! When we quit using motivation as our excuse, we figure out we are a heck of a lot more likely to crush our goals.


Do Workouts You Enjoy

There is no real right or wrong answer when it comes to fitness. Love yoga? Lifting heavy? More of a boot camp class kinda person? As long as you’re moving your body and it makes you feel good, we want you to do it! If you love what you’re doing, you’re more likely to keep doing it! (DUH!)

Become a Part of a Community

YOU KNOW we love this one! Finding a community of like-minded people is soooo important when it comes to moving in the direction of your goals. Surround yourself with a facility, coaches, and members who support you. Interested in the best fitness community in Indy? Check out Broad Ripple Fit Club!

Taking classes can be a great way to meet like-minded people and push yourself during workouts.

Set Small, Daily Goals For Yourself

If you only focus on the end goal, you’ll struggle to notice the small wins along the way. Set daily goals for yourself to help move you towards your greater goal. Every little thing helps! Need ideas? –> Try hitting 10k steps a day (your phone will track it for you), drinking more water than coffee, or putting your phone away an extra 15 minutes early before bed.

Celebrate Your Wins

Whether it’s making it to the gym 3 days this week, meal prepping all of your food on Sunday, or adding 10 pounds to your dead lift, CELEBRATE! There is no victory too small. Feel free to add incentives too, like treating yourself to a new pair of workout shoes or taking an extra 5 minutes in the shower.


Prioritize Sleep and Rest Days

Getting enough sleep is CRUCIAL to your success both inside and outside of the gym. You need to earn your workouts!! If you aren’t sleeping AT LEAST 7-9 hours per night, your workout needs to take a backseat. Same things goes for rest days. If you aren’t taking at least one day off per week – we suggest AT LEAST two – you aren’t giving your body the adequate amount of time to recoup. We promise, your metabolism and your gains will not go away; in fact, they will probably speed up!