

Crush Your Goals: 5 Ways To Be More Consistent With Your Fitness

Consistency is King Finding a way to become more consistent with our fitness routine can be a serious ride on the struggle bus sometimes. From lack of motivation, to “not having enough time”, there is always going to be an excuse and a reason why you can’t. But we know,…

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Fitness For Beginners: The Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Fitness Routine

Welcome to the Fitness Party! Whether you’re new to the fitness game altogether or getting back on the train after a time away, WELCOME TO THE PARTY! We’re so glad you’re here (and, no, it’s not just the endorphins talking). It can be overwhelming to know where and how to…

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Shoot For “Pretzel Status”: Why Mobility Really Does Make Your Movement

MOBILIZE EVERY DAY (more than once). In our class settings, all you have to do is show up. Whether you are here for BRX, CrossFit, or Olympic Lifting class, the coach that is teaching will have a warm up already planned for you to compliment the day’s workout. That means…

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Winter Storm Woes- Stay Motivated During The Depths of Winter

Today is a serious snow day. As a kid, these are the days you dream of- no school, tons of TV time and maybe even a romp around outside to build a snowman. As an adult, snow days become more and more a thing of the past, because, well, life…

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