

Your best year ever: 5 health and fitness goals for 2019 that aren’t about losing weight

It’s a new year which means it’s unbelievably trendy to set new goals for your Best. Year. Ever.!!! While we are all about setting goals, there seems to be an unnecessary amount of pressure put on your health and fitness-related ones to focus on changing the number you see on…

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Crush Your Goals: 5 Ways To Be More Consistent With Your Fitness

Consistency is King Finding a way to become more consistent with our fitness routine can be a serious ride on the struggle bus sometimes. From lack of motivation, to “not having enough time”, there is always going to be an excuse and a reason why you can’t. But we know,…

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Fitness For Beginners: The Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Fitness Routine

Welcome to the Fitness Party! Whether you’re new to the fitness game altogether or getting back on the train after a time away, WELCOME TO THE PARTY! We’re so glad you’re here (and, no, it’s not just the endorphins talking). It can be overwhelming to know where and how to…

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Movement Spotlight: Burpees – Why They Should Be Your BFF (and How To Make Them Less Awful)

  We know, we know. You see burpees on the workout for the day and you consider skipping the gym altogether.     But instead of feeling like this:     We want you to feel like this!     All it takes is a little appreciation for the benefit…

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Movement Spotlight: Kettlebell Swings

A kettlebell swing is one of the most versatile and beneficial, total body movements that we do in BRX. In a world that is so centered around sitting, it is incredibly easy to lose posterior and abdominal strength (hamstrings, glutes, core). We are using virtually every muscle group when engaging…

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