

Shoot For “Pretzel Status”: Why Mobility Really Does Make Your Movement

MOBILIZE EVERY DAY (more than once). In our class settings, all you have to do is show up. Whether you are here for BRX, CrossFit, or Olympic Lifting class, the coach that is teaching will have a warm up already planned for you to compliment the day’s workout. That means…

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Functional Fitness: Working Out For REAL LIFE

Considering making the move from globo gym to a functional fitness-centered facility? Not sure why you should take a step away from the machines and towards the kettle bells? Come. Sit. Let’s have a chat. What is functional fitness? Functional fitness trains you to perform daily tasks and movements. Squatting,…

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Movement Spotlight: Kettlebell Swings

A kettlebell swing is one of the most versatile and beneficial, total body movements that we do in BRX. In a world that is so centered around sitting, it is incredibly easy to lose posterior and abdominal strength (hamstrings, glutes, core). We are using virtually every muscle group when engaging…

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