
September 18, 2017

Travel/At Home WODs

Recently, we’ve put a lot of focus on staying motivated with your fitness goals both inside and outside of the gym. Summertime can be an easy time to pursue those goals because the weather is perfect, your work schedule might be a bit more relaxed, and let’s face it- you’re wearing less clothing!

With fall just around the corner, it can become much easier to become complacent and comfortable with your routine and even run the risk of regressing.  Fall means busier schedules, cooler weather, richer food, and even more excuses for you to want to skip the gym.

You might not be able to come to BRFC for a few days, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still get a good sweat in wherever you are. Whether you’re on vacation staying somewhere with easy access to a local CrossFit gym, at a hotel with it’s own gym onsite, or at your home with no gym equipment anywhere to be found, it’s easy to make the workout that we’re doing at BRFC fit your circumstances!

Check out some tips below on how to stay active and pursue your goals even when you can’t get to the gym!

Tip #1:

Modify the workout that we’re doing at home to fit your circumstance. Use the Team BRFC Facebook group to your advantage to ask a coach how you may be able to change the movements, rep scheme, etc. to work best for you.

Tip #2:

Squatting/benching/deadlifting/snatching/cleaning/pressing but you don’t have access to a barbell? Use dumbbells!

Tip #3:

Think about what the movement is having you do- are you pulling? Pushing? If you can substitute a movement that enables you to still perform the essence of the original movement (the pull or push), then we can call that a successful modification!

Rest Day:

It’s Sunday and there isn’t a workout programmed at the gym. Never fear! There are a few different options to choose from:

  1. Choose a workout that you missed from previously in the week.
  2. If you want to look outside of the box, you can check out some websites for travel WODs:
  • can select bodyweight and it will randomly generate workouts for you
  • Search “Travel WODs” on Google and you will get PAGES of different options

3. Feeling creative and want to try your own? Have only a hotel room with no access to any workout equipment? Throw a towel down on the floor and use the NO EQUIPMENT NECESSARY movements below to make your own workout!

  1. Choose one or multiple movements from the list below
  2. Choose a rep scheme and time limit, like: 21-15-9 For Time or AMRAP in 15 minutes of 5-10-15


Movement(s) + Rep Scheme + AMRAP, EMOM, For Time


NO-equipment movements:

Push ups

Air squats

Sit ups/v-ups





Pistol Squats

Wall Walks

Mock double unders (jumping in place!)

Jumping Lunges

Walking Lunges (Forward and Reverse)

Leg raises/flutter kicks


Dips (using a seat or side table)

Inch Worms

Speed Skaters

Mountain climbers


Hollow Hold/Hollow Rocks

High knees (touch with your hands)

Jumping knee tucks

Jumping squats