
January 12, 2018

Winter Storm Woes- Stay Motivated During The Depths of Winter

Today is a serious snow day. As a kid, these are the days you dream of- no school, tons of TV time and maybe even a romp around outside to build a snowman.

As an adult, snow days become more and more a thing of the past, because, well, life goes on even when it’s snowing. Needless to say it can be incredibly hard to find motivation to get yourself to the gym, let alone even make it out of bed.

I’m here to tell you– IT’S WORTH IT! Today, of all days, is the day that you SHOULD come to the gym.

Why, do you ask?

Because you will feel so. much. better. once you make it in here. I promise.


We are open until 7:30 tonight! We aren’t letting the snow stop us from getting FIT!

But I’m tired.

Guess what? WE ALL ARE! It’s Friday! But the minute you get yourself to the gym and walk in our doors, you’ll wake up. Your workout will give you energy, you’ll get to socialize with your #fitfam, and you’ll feel GREAT when you leave.

But it’s so cold outside.

I have an easy fix for this- COME WORKOUT! You’ll sweat, and you’ll get warmer. Worried about going home sweaty? Shower here before you leave!

I’ve worked hard enough this week.

Be proud of what you’ve accomplished this week, but don’t use your successes as an excuse to curb further improvement. Take advantage of the momentum you’ve created!